Friday, September 30, 2011

Episode 7: Supplemental Materials

If you have listened to Podcast #7  then you have heard special guest, Shane O'Brien doling out some harsh criticisms in regards to a picture John took of himself on his phone... We don't like to leave our listeners in the dark so here it is:


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Garbageland Episode 7: "Come on, Biscuit!"

Dear Listeners,

     It has recently come to my attention that there may be some confusion regarding the format of the show.  For the record, this show has not one, not two but THREE hosts: Myself (Brooke E.), John Ferguson, and Julian.  Also for the record, I am not sure how said confusion initially arose...  Sure, we've had some repeat guests, but one would assume that if the same three people are always members of the panel that those three people are in fact hosts and whatnot. Hope this clears things up.  And if it doesn't God (whichever you choose or choose not to believe in) help us all...  

Brooke E.

Garbageland Episode 7
This week's guest:  Shane O'Brien

The hosts are joined this week by Shane O'Brien who you may (or may not, and shame on you if you don't) remember from the short film: WORM and various other films from Untrademarked Productions.  Shane tells  tales of bathroom mischief and strange behavior, Brooke exploits homosexual insecurities, and John ruins Shane's potential of "locking this shit down" with a lovely lady. Shane receives a strange and racist phone call, and the hosts learn that Hunter ( Episode 6) is immune to Shane's talents in the arena of peer pressure.

Email us at:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Special request.

Hello, friends.  If you have listened to the last podcast, you know that Untrademarked Productions is currently seeking funding for a feature film: Worm.  This film is based on the short (which you can watch in a previous post), which was made for a mere $100.00.  I will be playing a role in the creation of this film (Art Direction), as will Julian (VFX Supervisor) and even John has a role in the movie (he's an actor), so we here at Garbageland implore you to give even a small amount of money to help us create what will be a truly unique film.  And guess what you get stuff for doing so.  WOW!  You can see the complete list of stuff you can get at the indiegogo website located:  

Thanks, Cool Dudes.

~Brooke E.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Podcast #1

Podcast #1 is currently down due to some minor issues but will return shortly.

~Brooke E.

Garbageland Episode 6: "You have to take a naked humping... From Shadow" Now up!

In this week's episode:
Special Guests: Dave F. and introducing Hunter

The group discusses a new phenomenon in Nashville:  Rampant Pornographers on Craigslist.  Julian discusses his negative encounters with birds,Hunter brings the show down with a terrible story about animal hoarders, and John reveals the real John Ferguson.  Brooke tells another lurid tale from the porn store: The tale of Lickety-Split  and Julian discusses his surprising experiences with racism in the south.  The group discusses Pat Robertson and John reveals a troubling childhood story.

Monday, September 19, 2011

New Podcast Wednesdays.

Yeah, that's the day they come out...  Every week.  If you have a hard time remembering, AND you don't want to sign up on Podomatic, you can always subscribe via Itunes  by clicking HERE and simply hitting the "Subscribe with Itunes" button (located on the right side of the screen).  We appreciate your kindness...  Sort of.

Thank you and Goodnight.

~Brooke E.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Episode 5: "My name's James. I like dogs." Now up!

Episode 5: "My name's James.  I like dogs."
Special guest: Brent M.

In this week's epsiode thrill  as the group discusses John's sad (VERY VERY) sad attempt at throwing a house party that no one attends.  We learn that John's recent obsession with people shitting their pants is not so recent. The group plays a lovely game of "2 truths and 1 Lie" regarding things John's mother has said to him.  The group defines the epitome of "loser", Brent recounts a terrible mishap whilst moving a shelf,  and John thinks Brent has never been sympathetic towards another human being in his life.

Required Materials:
We talk quite a bit about the short films some of us have made in this episode, so as is proper please feel free to view them :D

John in "Sadness Party":
First, this is the fabled video of John's terrible sadness party.  Notice the lack of other human beings.

The Pugilist:
Second up, we have Brent Montgomery's (who also is the star of the film) Production 4:  The Pugilist.  John plays the referee and even shaved his head into that of a bald man for this lovely film.  It really is great.  You should watch it.  Also John's dad makes an appearance as The Bronson Bullet...

Next up, we talk about a movie in this podcast which made John's poor mother LEAVE the screenings out of embarrassment.  Watch it and be embarrassed for her.  I present to you:  Brotherly Love, a John Ferguson film.

The Plumpers:
Last and probably least, I'm not sure because I can't be bothered to actually make an informed decision, John's Production 2:  The Plumpers.  Starring John's father.  Who we've talked so often about....  

Subscribe to the podcast on itunes!
It's really easy, just head on over to the Garbageland Podcast page and click SUBSCRIBE VIA ITUNES...  

Thank you and goodnight!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Episode 4 has been up for some time!

Hi, everybody!  Episode 4 has been up since last Wednesday, however, I have been slacking off in a major way and failed to update the blog (sad face).

Garbageland Episode 4:  "If I have a companion...  I'm F*#%in' 'em"
Special Guests: Doug and Dave F.

  Doug and John recount their recent adventure in Florida doing behind the scenes video work for a cheerleading squad  and Doug lets everyone know just how great John is at talking to the ladies.  Doug and John meet a new friend, and the group discusses their recent victory at the 48 hour film competition (Nashville).  John shares a technique passed down by his brother on how to "process a fart" and Brooke poses a disturbing question to the group.

Required Materials:
View the award winning film:

Worm from Untrademarked Productions on Vimeo.

If you enjoyed this film contribute  to Untrademarked Productions' newest endeavor: A feature film based upon this very short AND get some really cool stuff for doing so!  
Find out how you can help here!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Episode 3.5 is up!

Because it's Labor day and because we feel like it, please enjoy this "Twofer" (two for one) edition of Garbageland.  ALL NEW EPISODE WILL STILL BE AVAILABLE WEDNESDAY!

Episode 3:  "John Ferguson: Mouse Murderer"
Special Guest: Dave F.

John, Brooke and Julian are joined by the eccentric Dave for this short episode.  Julian delights with his amazing impressions and Brooke talks about high school as a John Hughes movie.  John recounts the worst thing he has ever done and similar tales of self-lamentation ensue.  The group watches "Dead Squirrel Girl" in horror.

Episode 3.5: "Who wants to play 'You have Asperger's?"
Special Guests: Jeremy "FABLE" Pearce and Dave F.
After  telling the hosts that Dave has Aspergers  Syndrome as a joke, the hosts put Jeremy (and Dave) on the spot to conduct a super-scientific AQ test with shocking results.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Submitted for your approval...

So, I don't have the stomach to upload the pictures but here's the video!  Beware of the images at the end, not quite as bad as the real thing, but still pretty terrible.

~Brooke E.