Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Garbageland Episode 6: "You have to take a naked humping... From Shadow" Now up!

In this week's episode:
Special Guests: Dave F. and introducing Hunter

The group discusses a new phenomenon in Nashville:  Rampant Pornographers on Craigslist.  Julian discusses his negative encounters with birds,Hunter brings the show down with a terrible story about animal hoarders, and John reveals the real John Ferguson.  Brooke tells another lurid tale from the porn store: The tale of Lickety-Split  and Julian discusses his surprising experiences with racism in the south.  The group discusses Pat Robertson and John reveals a troubling childhood story.


  1. I have listened to all 6 of these. They keep my interest and I enjoy them, but I have three suggestions.

    1. You need to get some more microphones.
    2. There needs to be a leader to push conversations forward. Brooke is the best at doing this, but I wish she would do it more often.
    3. What's up with everyone keeping their identities a secret?

  2. Will address these issues in Podcast #8. :D
