Monday, November 7, 2011

Updates and BRAND NEW Garbageland Episode 11: "You're so weak you can't even break Chalk!"

This podcast was recorded two weeks ago after John and I returned from visiting with the Occupiers at Occupy Nashville.  Which was about 12am so I apologize for the lackluster attitudes but we're fucking tired OKAY?! We've been on temporary hiatus for the last two weeks and as a make up for this lapse in podcast content, I have made this podcast extra long.  A whopping hour and five minutes and as such means that I have also NOT edited it down to bare bones as usual.  Longer is automatically better right?  We'll see.

Just a reminder, all podcasts pre-November 2nd will be disappearing by the next podcast release(I.E. Next Thursday).  Download them if you would like to listen to them again at a later date.  Until we can get a backup for all the previous episodes, we're limited to how much space we use on  

Within the following week, I will be releasing 2 special not-so-funny episodes of Garbageland with audio taken directly from the Occupy Nashville General Assembly.  This audio was taken the night of the first arrests on Legislative Plaza, so if you are wondering about the Occupy movement, this is a good place to start learning.

New podcasts will now be released on Thursday nights.

Thank you and good night.
~Brooke E.

In this week's episode:
Special Guest:  Jeremy Pearce

Brooke and John return from briefly Occupying Nashville.  We learn that there is an extent to what Jeremy will do to save his mother's life.  Julian and the group discuss their own irrational lawmaking.  John And Brooke discuss problems with protesters and police.  Julian and Jeremy go improving, and Jeremy shares more stories about harassing his brother.

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